Entry #4 Angry with New Movies

 I have been watching movies recently and I have come to realize that I am dissatisfied. At first, I didn't know why I had this feeling. I love to deep dive into the theme of a movie, what makes a movie seem real, and other things. After watching a B-list Netflix movie that was recommended I have started to feel that modern movies just aren't doing it for me anymore (with some exceptions).

Let me list the main reasons that made me think this way. It all comes down to the lack of originality, overemphasis on special effects, and formulaic stories.  I am sick of seeing pre-quels, sequels, or any other type of spin offs. Can we please just have original movies only. Also, a sequel can be good if it was planned but if it was just made to continue the story only for the purpose to make money... THEN DON'T MAKE THAT MOVIE.


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